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Hotel & Restaurant Bürglstein

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Ihre Bürglsteiner


Hotel & Restaurant Bürglstein

Schwarzbach 19

5360 St. Wolfgang

Tel. +43 (0)6138 20101



Tel. +43 6138 20101

World of Mountains

„You could spend a lifetime here, yet the variety would never end.”

Breathe in mountain air on top of the mountains around our hotel bordering Lake Wolfgang.

Our little 4-star hotel is located at the edge of Lake Wolfgang and on the foot of the astonishing mountain world. Here you enjoy the unique nature of the Salzkammergut, refuel strength and energy and witness the enjoyment of holidays for all sins. The wonderful view over the idyllic lake landscape of the Salzkammergut makes every effort of ascent up for it. Nature – Strength – Live.

Hotel & Restaurant Bürglstein - Schafbergbahn


The traditional rack railroad takes you idyllically and comfortably up to the Schafberg at 1,783m.


2Cable car

The most beautiful mountains around the Wolfgangsee can be comfortably climbed by rack railroad, cable car or road. Let’s go!

Hotel & Restaurant Bürglstein - Bergwelt


From the hotel you have an optimal starting point for hikes and walks in the immediate vicinity – out the front door, into the nature of Lake Wolfgang – that’s vacation at Hotel Bürglstein!

Hotel & Restaurant Bürglstein - Bergwelt


Via ferrata fans can practice their hobby at the eastern end of Lake Wolfgang, in Strobl, on the easy via ferrata at Kleefeld and on the challenging Postalmklamm via ferrata.


Idyllic and chill way up

Schafberg cable car

The steepest Steam-rack-railway of Austria leads to the peak of the Schafberg since 1893. In 35 minutes, the railway surpasses 1.190 altitude and 5.85 kilometres. The historic cog wheel locomotive count among the eldest and most operable locomotives in the world. Nevertheless, the trip upwards with a newer locomotive is an experience of a lifetime. The Schafberg is seen as a perfect viewing point in the world renowned Salzkammergut. At steady weather conditions there is a 360°-panorama view over the glistening Lakes of the Salzkammergut and the Alpenvorland – lakes like Lake Wolfgang, Irrsee, Mondsee, Fuschlsee up to the German Chiemsee.

Opening hours

  • April – October
  • daily from 9:15 am to 4 pm

Zwölferhorn railway – St. Gilgen

The hiking paradise for young and old. The perfectly restored railway is unique in Austria – as soon as you enter the old cabins the nostalgia floods through your veins. Because of the slow speed the way up feels like softly elevating onto the Zwölferhorn between lake Wolfgang and the Fuschlsee. On the mountain there are many hiking opportunities, especially the Illingeralm is very recommendable. Many different alpine huts are very tempting and inviting.

Opening hours

  • all year round (except November)
  • daily from 9:15 am to 4/5/6 pm

Katrinrailway – Bad Ischl

Levitate up onto the beautiful Katrin with the treetop railway and enjoy the most beautiful vie over the Salzkammergut. Explore the emperors hiking paradise. Starting point for the magic 7 lake-view hike (1.5 to 2.5 hours) or the impressing 3-peak tour over the Katrin, Elferkogel and Hainzen. For the ones seeking action there is a via ferrata up to the peak of the Katrin. Enjoy the culinary of Austria in the huts.

Opening hours

  • May – November
  • daily from 9 am to 5 pm
  • every half and full hour

Hikes starting at the hotel

Starting at the hotel is the optimal starting position for hikes or small journeys – out of the sheets and out into the astonishing nature of lake Wolfgang – that’s holidays made by Bürglstein.


Around our house hill – Bürglstein panorama track

A nice hiking track that leads over the Bürglpromenade with an amazing view onto the Lake and to Sankt Wolfgang – at first over long boardwalks that carry their way around the rock. On the northern part of the track your heading through a path in the forest and at last you walk next to the street until arriving at the hotel.

Lake Schwarzensee

Schwarzensee – easily accessible from our hotel by feet – cross the bridge to the left of the hotel and keep going straight ahead towards Mostbauer – follow hiking route 28 over the saddle path to the Schwarzensee. Former refuge for hunters from the Salzkammergut.

Bürglstein Panoramaweg

  • time: 1 hour
  • walk (every weather)

Schwarzensee & Umrundung

  • time: 2 hours
  • walking or hiking


  • time: 2,5 hours
  • hiking

Sommerau – Vormauer – Mönichsee – Himmelspforte – Schafberg

  • time:  4,5 hours
  • hiking

Spazierweg Aschau nach St. Wolfgang

  • time:  45 minutes
  • walking

Hiking in the near surroundings

The path of the pilgrims – hike over the Falkenstein

  • Romantic hike on easy tracks – it is required to be sure-footed, and you are free from giddiness, be careful during rain.
  • From St. Gilgen to St. Wolfgang
    Starting at the church in St. Gilgen you cross the Streicherplatz and to the right you enter Mondseer street to head towards Sankt Wolfgang. After mark 28 you’re headed to Brunnwinkel – after you’re gonna head right onto the idyllic and partly cut out of the rock waterfront promenade that is secured with railings to the Gasthof Fürberg. Follow en suite along the lake until the track splits into two smaller ones – the right one is a very narrows passage that leads to the Hochzeits- and Ochsenkreuz, a small chapel on the small island. The left leads to the Kreuzweg, a steep woodland ditch that leads up to the Falkensteinkirche. Halfway there, the way separates into two again, one leading straight to the church, the other up to the Scheffelblick where you have an amazing view over lake Wolfgang – the track connects with the other one after the source chapel. This way leads over a rocky saddleway that contain another two chapels. Alongside the waterfall you enter the township Ried am Wolfgangsee – follow the bank road along lake Wolfgang until about 45 minutes later you arrive at the church of St. WolfgangBehind the horizontal wall of the Falkenstein, at the foot of the Schafbarg, legends say lived the hermit holy Saint Wolfgang. Up there he threw his axe towards Sankt Wolfgang – it landed at the place the church is standing today. In medieval times it developed to one of the most important pilgrim paths in Europe alongside Rome or Santiago de Compostela. The way is still marked with heavy stones to pay penance for their sins, as well as the Falkensteinkirche and the stone that you can crawl through are still trays of the holy and the devil. All these relics are explained on the tabloids spread across the path.

Purtschellersteig to the Schafberg

Peak tour onto the Schafberg through the Aurriesenpath and the Purtschellersteig.

The adventure begins at the Gasthof Weißer Bär opposite to the church in the middle of Sankt Wolfgang, follow the track up to the Kalvarienberg and from there on follow path number 25, cross the Aubauer, along the forest road over the Dittelbach until you reach the Mönichsee a small mountain lake. Keep left after the Mönichsee, the Purtschellersteig is a very rocky steep track up to the peak, it is secured by steel ropes.

It takes about 4 hours, 1230m, difficult track

Bleckwand over Leitnerbauer and Bleckwandl

Start the Information in Abersee, cross the Leitnerbauer Steig 876 until the branching off Rundweg 15. Here follow Steig 876 until you reach the Bleckwandl, it is followed by Steig 34. Follow the Steig until you reach the Bleckwandhütte, a few forest roads cross until the peak. Go along Ofenloch until you reach the peak cross at 1541 metres. It takes you about 2,3 hours. Difference in altitude: about 942m, moderately difficult track


Start your hike at castle Strobl, the now Alpenmoorbad, take a left and follow the underpass, keep right at the Wegkreuz and cross at the Langerbauer. At Gasthaus Weberhäusl take a left to the north until the Unteraubrücke, keep straight ahaid on the nicely situated Laimeralmstraße to the beautiful Laimeralm. It takes you about 1,15 hours. Difference in altitude: about 240m

Wanderung über die Falkensteinwand

  • time: 4 hours
  • elevation: c492 m,
  • difficult hike
  • Shopping Point: in St. Gilgen und St. Wolfgang

Purtschellersteig to Schafberg

  • time: 4 hours
  • elevation: 1230 m,
  • difficult hike

Bleckend via Leitnerbauer and Bleckwandl

  • time: 2-3 hours
  • elevation: 492 m,
  • difficult hike
  • hike with summit experience


  • time: 1,2 hours
  • elevation: 240 m,
  • fantastic view of Lake Wolfgang


Via ferrata fans are full of possibilities around lake Wolfgang, especially in Strobl – start at the via ferrata at Kleefeld or the Postalmklamm for the more experienced.

The via ferrata garden on Plombergstein in Sankt Gilgen is the optimal place for beginners due to its short and easy routes. But there are also routes up to five rope-lengths that prevailed with their stunning view over lake Wolfgang.

Restaurant & Hotel Bürglstein - Postalm

Fixed rope tours

Klettersteig Postalmklamm
level C und D, time in total: 4,5 hours

level B, time in total: 7 hours

Rinnkogel, gesicherter Steig
level A, time in total: 6 hours

Sparber, gesicherter Steig, level A, time in total: 4,5 hours

Schafberg – Purtschellersteig
level A, time (nur Aufstieg): 3,5 hours

Schafberg – Himmelpfortensteig
level A, time (nur Aufstieg): 3 hours

level A und C, time in total: 1 hours

Climbing crags

1320m, Level 1-2

1275m, SE-crest “Zwergengrat”, level 3-4

1828m, level 2

1589m, level 1-2

830m, “Juniperus”,  level 4+, 180m

1420m, South Mountain face “Tiefblick”,  level 5+, 80m

Climbing halls

Climbing hall Kleefeld

Climbing hall Plombergstein

Klettergebiet Bürglstein

Sportklettergebiet Plombergstein

High ropes courses