Öffnungszeiten Restaurant
Hotel & Restaurant Bürglstein

1 Jahr = 365 Möglichkeiten
für unvergessliche


Derzeit befinden wir uns im Betriebsurlaub.
Wir freuen uns, Sie ab Ostern 2025 wieder bei uns im Hotel & Restaurant
begrüßen zu dürfen.


Anfragen & Reservierungen jederzeit unter
info@buerglstein. at oder 06138 – 20101


Bis bald,
Ihre Bürglsteiner


Hotel & Restaurant Bürglstein

Schwarzbach 19

5360 St. Wolfgang

Tel. +43 (0)6138 20101



Tel. +43 6138 20101

Hotel & Restaurant Bürglstein - Gastgeber mit Herz

Wolfgang Linsmayer


We are proud to welcoming guests from all over the world and after a short time we can honour already an impressive number of regular guests.

Hotel & Restaurant Bürglstein - Gastgeber mit Herz

Carolin Linsmayer

Guest Relation & Marketing

Carolin takes care of the reception and our restaurant. As a bachelor of toursim economics she also draws responsible for marketing and guest relation.

Hotel- und Restaurant Bürglstein


House keeping

Since 2008 Andrea is employed in our house. She tirelessly takes care of the cleanness of the entire hotel. We appreciate her commitment in all those years – she is a real support.

Hotel & Restaurant Bürglstein - Gastgeber mit Herz



Our ambitious heads chef loves his work which you can feel from the very first bite. He masters up Austrian Cuisine and Thai Food to perfection.



Pavol is an universal genius in gastronomy – especially in service he shows us his friendly and open manner.

We are looking for you!

Your new job

You would like to develop yourself and enrich new skills? Do you want to work in a team? If so, contact us without obligation. We are a small family-run hotel at the Wolfgangsee and are looking for you!