Öffnungszeiten Restaurant
Hotel & Restaurant Bürglstein

1 Jahr = 365 Möglichkeiten
für unvergessliche


Derzeit befinden wir uns im Betriebsurlaub.
Wir freuen uns, Sie ab Ostern 2025 wieder bei uns im Hotel & Restaurant
begrüßen zu dürfen.


Anfragen & Reservierungen jederzeit unter
info@buerglstein. at oder 06138 – 20101


Bis bald,
Ihre Bürglsteiner


Hotel & Restaurant Bürglstein

Schwarzbach 19

5360 St. Wolfgang

Tel. +43 (0)6138 20101



Tel. +43 6138 20101

Treat yourself to a break in the Hotel Bürglstein

Take a seat in our cozy restaurant or in our sunny garden.

Enjoyment awaits you at the laid table

Together with our head chef Fu we would like to spoil you with an extraordinary culinary experience – typical Austrian Cuisine an Thai Food. A combination you should not miss! In selecting our ingredients, we focus on healthy local products from suppliers out of our area. A good meal starts with freshness and quality!

Our cosy restaurant

Large dining area with open roof

  • large room for breakfast and diner
  • ideal for meetings, feasts and weddings
  • 80 – 100 seats


  • cozy bar with 4 tables

Our sunny garden

Covered dining area

  • restaurant service and chill lounge
  • alternating sunny and shady spots
  • partially covered wine arbor (rainproof)
  • approximately 80 seats

Impressions restaurant and garden

  • space for up to 80 persons at the restaurant
  • covered outdoor dining area
  • lounge

Opening hours restaurant and garden

  • we are on holidays
  • re-opening: Easter holiday 2025

Our menu

Restaurant & Hotel Bürglstein - Speisekarte

Our price list

Restaurant & Hotel Bürglstein - Gastgeber mit Herz

A good meal starts with fresh ingredients and will be completed with experience and love.. 

Our specialist for Austrian Cuisine and Thai Food